Australia is known for its unique wildlife, including the big apex predators, crocodiles. But large parts of Western Australia are surprisingly crocodile free, especially in the south. This article looks at why crocodiles, including freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) and saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) are not found in many parts of Western Australia, and what climate, habitats and conservation efforts have to do with it.

Crocodile Species in Australia
There are two main species of crocodiles in Australia:
- Freshwater Crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni): These smaller, less aggressive crocodiles are found in freshwater rivers, upper reaches of water bodies and artificial lakes in the north.
- Saltwater Crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus): Also known as estuarine crocodiles, these apex predators are found in tidal rivers, coastal waters and deeper waters throughout northern Australia.
Despite their adaptability, both species have specific habitat and climate requirements that limit their range in Western Australia.
Why Crocodiles Are Not Found in Much of Western Australia
Climatic Limitations
The south of Western Australia has cold winters and no consistent warm weather for crocodiles to survive. The incubation period and temperature of crocodile nests is critical for hatchlings which struggle to develop in cold climates.

Habitat Availability
Crocodile habitats such as tidal rivers, freshwater environments and coastal areas are abundant in the north but scarce in the south. Places like Kakadu National Park and Lakefield National Park in northern Australia are perfect for crocodile populations while southern regions have no such water bodies.
Territorial Nature and Limited Dispersal
Crocodiles are territorial and don’t migrate far from their breeding grounds or home territory. This territorial nature restricts their spread to southern Western Australia, especially since unregulated hunting in the 20th century had reduced their numbers in some areas.
Historical and Geographical Barriers
The deserts and arid landscape of Western Australia are natural barriers that prevent hatchling crocodiles from dispersing and limit their population growth in areas south of the north.

Conservation and Crocodile Management
Crocodile Management Programs
Programs such as the Management Program for the Saltwater Crocodile and other wildlife research initiatives aim to protect crocodiles while keeping the public safe. These programs are to maintain the abundance of saltwater crocodiles in northern habitats without extending their range into unsuitable areas.
Crocodile Farming
Crocodile farms in Darwin and northern territories breed crocodiles for conservation and saltwater crocodile products. These farms reduce illegal hunting and provide controlled environments that mimic natural habitats.
Conservation Values
Territory government agencies such as the Parks and Wildlife Service are responsible for conserving crocodiles while keeping the public safe through crocodile warning signs and crocodile control measures.

Tourism and Public Safety
Crocodile-Free Zones for Tourism
Southern Western Australia beaches, waterways and coastal waters are crocodile free. Cable Beach and Broome beaches are crocodile free so you can swim safely.
Jumping Crocodiles in Northern Australia
One of the most exciting wildlife experiences in northern Australia is seeing Jumping Crocodiles in action. Along the Adelaide River you can see saltwater crocodiles leap out of the water to snag bait from tour operators. These Jumping Crocodile tours get you up close and personal with these amazing animals and give you insight into their natural behaviour. You can safely observe from specially designed boats, it’s a thrilling and unforgettable adventure in crocodile country.

Western Australia is crocodile free due to a combination of climate, habitat and historical barriers. Northern regions have freshwater and saltwater crocodiles in abundance, but the south is too cool and inhospitable for them. This is good for wildlife conservation and public safety and makes Western Australia the ultimate destination for diversity. To visit these and more Wildlife Tours has travel experiences that get you up close to Australia’s natural wonders with Darwin crocodile tour.
Are there crocodiles in Western Australia?
Yes, crocodiles are in the northern regions of Western Australia, particularly in the Kimberley. But not in the south and south west.
Why don’t crocodiles live in southern Western Australia?
Crocodiles need warm climates and suitable habitat, which isn’t available in southern Western Australia due to the cooler temperatures and limited waterways.
Where can I see crocodiles in Western Australia?
The Kimberley region, including Lake Kununurra and tidal rivers is the best place to see crocodiles. You can also do guided crocodile cruises in these northern areas.
How does crocodile management keep me safe?
Crocodile management programs, led by Parks and Wildlife Service and other agencies, include crocodile warning signs, removal of dangerous crocodiles and controlled farming to keep you safe in crocodile country. Book Darwin Jumping Crocodile tour for safe experience.
Why is northern Australia crocodile country?
Northern Australia has warm climates, freshwater and coastal habitats and a wide variety of prey, perfect for both freshwater and saltwater crocodiles.